The average house price on KILN HILL is £150,772
The most expensive house in the street is 2 KILN HILL with an estimated value of £249,741
The cheapest house in the street is 4 KILN HILL with an estimated value of £71,347
The house which was most recently sold was 3 KILN HILL, this sold on 22 Sep 2023 for £180,000
The postcode for KILN HILL is HD7 5JS
AddressProperty TypeCurrent Estimated ValuePrice PaidDate
2 KILN HILL Terraced £249,741 £135,712 29 Sep 2005
3 KILN HILL Terraced £184,057 £180,000 22 Sep 2023
4 KILN HILL Terraced £71,347 £16,500 9 Aug 1999
6 KILN HILL Terraced £154,694 £90,000 5 Apr 2012
8 KILN HILL Terraced £102,624 £60,000 2 Oct 2012
9 KILN HILL Terraced £142,171 £83,250 21 Jan 2013